Welcome at the website of Bond Merriehouders Fries Ras (BMFR).
ABOUT BMFR Friesian Breed Mare Owners Association or the Mare Association The mare association was founded in 2008 with the main aim of promoting the breeding of a high-quality and high-quality Frisian horse breed, whereby the knowledge and experience of the mare owners are bundled and exchanged.
Objective BMFR On the one hand, BMFR aims to bring mare owners closer together to exchange more and easier information. Company visits to (top) breeders within the Frisian breeding industry, various Symposia, information evenings, meet and greets, etc., prove to be an excellent opportunity for this. A second goal of the BMFR is to represent the interests of the mare owner in many areas of breeding, in close consultation with all kinds of other breeding associations, study clubs, stallion owners and representatives of the KFPS..